Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hellas! Tragœdia

It would be quite hard to see the effect of the Greek collapse (and resulting Depression) in the canyons of Wall St. but it can easily be seen in the Greek stores in Astoria.

There is a wonderful store called Titan Foods. It's one of the largest Greek supermarkets in New York.

The collapse of the Greek economy has taken out a large portion of their supply chain. The CC having gone to this store for more than ten years can easily see the impact that it is having on the market.

Normally, the store would be groaning under the weight of all kinds of Greek goodies but you can see the strain.

Still the CC came back with some anchovies packed in salt, spanakopita, karidopita (walnut cake), taramosalata, yogurt, sheep-milk feta, and other assorted ingredients.

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