Friday, January 18, 2008

A Little Sympathy? Anybody?

Sometimes the newspapers get it right. This one is from the New York Times: With Kimchi, a Little Alchemy.

SOME people collect stamps, others vintage bartender guides or mounted rare butterflies. I’m cultivating a prodigious collection of condiments that is slowly taking over the fridge, much to my husband’s dismay.

“Why do we need nine kinds of mustard and three types of prune spread?” he asked recently. “And when was the last time you used brine-packed green peppercorns?”

For someone who cooks a lot, an arsenal of strongly flavored condiments is a powerful secret weapon. Even when there is nothing in the house to eat, I can whip up a meal from the contents of many jars mixed with pasta, or meat excavated from the freezer. Some of my best culinary feats have come out of such condiment alchemy.

The CC ignored the rest of the article. There was something about kimchi or some such.

Who cares? Just go to Koreatown!

The CC likes the sentiment though because the CC's fridge is overflowing.

Condiments, extracts, flours and spices in the main chamber; broths, flours, pastes, and sauces in the freezer.

The CC needs a second fridge.

Needs, wants, craves.

Somebody empathize. All you who eat here tonight? Anyone?!?

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