Friday, May 9, 2008


A post on salt. Ridiculous or relevant? You decide.

The CC is rapidly coming around to understanding the view that controlling salt is a key to controlling perception of taste.

Try this next time. Make a soup/stew without the salt. Taste it. Add salt. Taste it again.

Even y'all will find it obvious. Even fairly obvious flavors (like acidity) will reveal themselves only in the bold light of salt.

First up, we talk about commercial salt.

Drop it. NOW.


You get plenty of iodine, my love. You eat out enough, and they use plenty of iodized stuff. This is not our forefather's generation. So skip it. You don't need that much, anyway.

Next up, the cost.

The cheap sea salt (far from bad, incidentally) is a dollar cheaper than the commercial crap at the CC's local store.

So you don't live out here in New York, you claim? So drop two more dollars and skip a coffee, fer cryin' out loud!

Next up, the need for powder v. crystals.

This is the first serious objection that the CC will actually entertain because it matters. It's all good and dandy to drop sea salt crystals into a broth, or a soup, or a stew but what happens if you need to eat steak? Or popcorn?

This is serious no-messin' around territory. The CC is serious about his popcorn.

You need to invest in a "pepper grinder" and then fill it with salt. Or keep the commercial crap around anyway (this is a bit of a cheat but we're OK with that on this blog here as you might have noticed, just as long as it's not too egregious.)

At any rate, upgrade your salt.

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