Friday, May 30, 2008

Down and Across : A Wobbly Old Time

Copyright © 2001, James T. Ehler (published with permission.)


1. Popular carbonated beverage.
4. A polite drink.
7. French syrup.
8. Robust red "masculine" Bordeaux.
15. Important red Bordeaux.
17. Hot or cold alcoholic drink containing beaten egg.
18. Aromatic blackcurrant liqueur.
19. "The milk of our Lady."
22. Liquor and water with sugar and spices served hot.
23. Greek wine flavored with resin.
24. Partly fermented grape juice.


1. Tea.
2. City southeast of Turin noted for its sparkling wines.
3. Found in combination with:: water, oil, attar, hips.
5. Turkish brandy.
6. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer.
9. Part of Poe tale title.
10. Wine, spiced with sugar, lemons and nutmeg, named for an English army officer.
11. Spanish city, grape, wine, and raisin.
12. Original version of a British citrus drink.
13. Whiskey, bitters and sugar with fruit slices.
14. Sweet liqueur made from wine and brandy flavored with plum, peach or apricot kernels and/or almonds.
16. Distilled French wine.
20. Chief ingredient of black bread.
21. Booze slang adapted from small Alaskan Tlingit tribe, the Hutsnuwu.
22. High, Irish or breakfast.
23. Popular Caribbean alcoholic beverage.

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