Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Curry Leaves

Unique aroma when fried, and absolutely critical for South Indian cooking. Probably the only ingredient that the CC craves on a regular basis but it is not that easy to obtain (involves making a long trip.)

Just for the record, the dried stuff sucks. Better than nothing but still not the real deal. The CC has some but is severely underwhelmed.

Perhaps the CC should just grow his own, huh?


Varsha said...

I tried growing it, but it's a major pain. I mean, if you can acquire a rooted sapling from somewhere (in which case, get me one as well) then it is probably not so bad (in fact, it is fairly straightforward -- I grew one in Bombay) but convincing a cutting to take root and turn into a growing plant is an act of greater faith and patience that I've ever had. I've made several attempts to do this, getting cuttings from folks who had a plant, and mollycoddling them for days, but in the end I've always ended up wishing that I had stripped the leaves off the cutting and cooked them.

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

Well, they sell baby potted plants here. Of course, you have to deal with it as they grow.

What you are describing is a "startup" problem not a "maintenance" problem.

Not that the CC is any great "green thumb" but if a friend with a car can pick up a plant, it's worth a crapshoot, wouldn't you think?