Sunday, September 3, 2006


It's Sunday, and even though I'm not Catholic, it's time to 'fess up on stuff I hate.

Father, forgive me for I have sinned against the temple of cooking by hating:
  • Plucking cilantro leaves (or similar.) In fact, it always puts me in a crappy mood to the point where my friends volunteer to do it rather than have me bitch and moan.
  • Peeling the skin off the garlic.
  • Mincing garlic (ok! I hate it but it's gotta be done 'cause the end product matters, and the CC is a perfectionist.)
  • Taking the skin off the goddamn' fava beans.

I used to hate my life until I bought a juicer. Now, I can juice 40 lemons (yep! 40), and not hate it.

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