Friday, July 25, 2008


Possibly the most silly thing to write about on this blog but its summer which means silly, so here's a rave disguised as a rant. How's that for true inversion?

If you want to be a good chef, and the CC knows you do ("why else are you here?") buy lots of bowls.

Lots of glass bowls. Deep glass bowls. With rims.

Rims. Rims. Rims. Rims. Rims.

Did you miss it the first few times? Rims; glass bowls with rims.

You also need bowls of different sizes. Mostly for the mise-en-place (but that's obvious, right?)

The glass part is obvious. It's non-reactive, blah-blah-blah. All the chemists understand this , and so should you from your high-school chemistry beakers and pipettes and burettes, etc.

Rims. Now there's technical practice triumphs over theory.

The appreciation of the fine rim is subtle. It is in the the realm of the connoisseur not the amateur.

Let's enumerate the most obvious:

[1] covering with plastic wrap to store,
[2] filtration using stuff on top so you need a "grip" (e.g. food mill),
[3] cheese cloth cover tied with twine under the rim (porous but clean)

The list is endless. You will rue the day you refuse the rim.

The difference between a good and a great chef is whether they understand the need for a good rim.

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